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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Mar 5, 2021

Please read this privacy policy (the “Policy”) carefully to understand how we use personal information. If you do not agree with this Policy, your choice is not to use site and mobile applications and its related sites, applications, services and goods or any other website operated by DynaLink that links to this Policy (the “Site”). By accessing or using this Site, you agree to this Policy. This Policy may change from time to time; any changes we make to this Policy will be posted on this Site, we will also take any other steps, to the extent required by applicable law, including notifying you and/or seeking your explicit consent to material changes. Changes to this Policy are effective as of the stated "Last Updated" date. Other than where we have sought such explicit consent from you, your continued use of the Site after we make changes will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes, so please check the Policy periodically for any updates or changes.​


Information We Collect

When you register to the Site, use it, complete forms, or register to our affiliate or influencer or similar program, we collect the personal information provided by you. In addition, we collect information while you access, browse, view or otherwise use the Site.

How Do We Collect Information? - You directly provide us with most of the information we collect. We also collect technical information indirectly and automatically through our systems. We also collect information from third party vendors and/or other commercially available sources. 


How Do We Use the Information Collected? – We use personal information to provide you with quality service and security, to operate the Site and to perform our obligations to you; to ensure marketplace integrity and security; to prevent fraud; to contact you and send you direct marketing communications; to promote and advertise the Site; to comply with lawful requests by public authorities and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. 


How Long Do We Keep Personal Information – We will keep personal information only for as long as is required to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. However, in some cases we will retain personal information for longer periods of time. 


Cookies - We use cookies and similar technologies (such as web beacons, pixels, tags, and scripts) to improve and personalize your experience, provide our services, analyze website performance and for marketing purposes.


Do Not Track (DNT) – Our Site does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. 


External Links - the Site contains links to third party sites and if you link to a third party site from the Site, any data you provide to that site and any use of that data by the third party are not under the control of Fiverr and are not subject to this Policy. 


Rights of EU Users – Where we process personal data related to EU user, further terms apply to our processing in relation to your rights as a data subject under EU data protection laws, as detailed below. 


Specific Provisions for California Residents- If you are a California resident, you are entitled to specific privacy rights as detailed below.


Updating Personal Information – We take steps to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate and up to date, and we provide you with the opportunity to update your information through your account profile settings. In the event that you believe your information is in any way incorrect or inaccurate, please let us know immediately. 


Contact Us - You can exercise your rights over your personal information, by editing your user profile. If you do not have an active Fiverr account, please contact us. 




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